Source code for libnmap.objects.service

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from libnmap.diff import NmapDiff
from libnmap.objects.os import CPE

[docs]class NmapService(object): """ NmapService represents a nmap scanned service. Its id() is comprised of the protocol and the port. Depending on the scanning options, some additional details might be available or not. Like banner or extra datas from NSE (nmap scripts). """ def __init__(self, portid, protocol='tcp', state=None, service=None, owner=None, service_extras=None): """ Constructor :param portid: port number :type portid: string :param protocol: protocol of port scanned (tcp, udp) :type protocol: string :param state: python dict describing the service status :type state: python dict :param service: python dict describing the service name and banner :type service: python dict :param service_extras: additional info about the tested service like scripts' data """ try: self._portid = int(portid or -1) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise if self._portid < 0 or self._portid > 65535: raise ValueError self._protocol = protocol self._state = state if state is not None else {} self._service = service if service is not None else {} self._cpelist = [] if 'cpelist' in self._service: for _cpe in self._service['cpelist']: _cpeobj = CPE(_cpe) self._cpelist.append(_cpeobj) self._owner = '' if owner is not None and 'name' in owner: self._owner = owner['name'] self._reason = '' self._reason_ip = '' self._reason_ttl = '' self._servicefp = '' self._tunnel = '' if 'reason' in self._state: self._reason = self._state['reason'] if 'reason_ttl' in self._state: self._reason_ttl = self._state['reason_ttl'] if 'reason_ip' in self._state: self._reason_ip = self._state['reason_ip'] if 'servicefp' in self._service: self._servicefp = self._service['servicefp'] if 'tunnel' in self._service: self._tunnel = self._service['tunnel'] self._service_extras = [] if service_extras is not None: self._service_extras = service_extras def __eq__(self, other): """ Compares two NmapService objects to see if they are the same or if one of them changed. :param other: NmapService :return: boolean """ rval = False if(self.__class__ == other.__class__ and == rval = (self.changed(other) == 0) return rval def __ne__(self, other): """ Compares two NmapService objects to see if they are different if one of them changed. :param other: NmapService :return: boolean """ rval = True if(self.__class__ == other.__class__ and == rval = (self.changed(other) > 0) return rval def __repr__(self): return "{0}: [{1} {2}/{3} {4} ({5})]".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.state, str(self.port), self.protocol, self.service, self.banner) def __hash__(self): return (hash(self.port) ^ hash(self.protocol) ^ hash(self.state) ^ hash(self.reason) ^ hash(self.service) ^ hash(self.banner))
[docs] def changed(self, other): """ Checks if a NmapService is different from another. :param other: NmapService :return: boolean """ return len(self.diff(other).changed())
@property def port(self): """ Accessor for port. :return: integer or -1 """ return self._portid @property def protocol(self): """ Accessor for protocol :return: string """ return self._protocol @property def state(self): """ Accessor for service's state (open, filtered, closed,...) :return: string """ return self._state['state'] if 'state' in self._state else None @property def reason(self): """ Accessor for service's state reason (syn-ack, filtered,...) :return: string or empty if not applicable """ return self._reason @property def reason_ip(self): """ Accessor for service's state reason ip :return: string or empty if not applicable """ return self._reason_ip @property def reason_ttl(self): """ Accessor for service's state reason ttl :return: string or empty if not applicable """ return self._reason_ttl @property def service(self): """ Accessor for service name. :return: string or empty """ return self._service['name'] if 'name' in self._service else '' @property def service_dict(self): """ Accessor for service dictionary. :return: dict or None """ return self._service
[docs] def open(self): """ Tells if the port was open or not :return: boolean """ return 'state' in self._state and self._state['state'] == 'open'
@property def owner(self): """ Accessor for service owner if available """ return self._owner @property def banner(self): """ Accessor for the service's banner. Only available if the nmap option -sV or similar was used. :return: string """ notrelevant = ['name', 'method', 'conf', 'cpelist', 'servicefp', 'tunnel'] relevant = ['product', 'version', 'extrainfo'] b = '' skeys = self._service.keys() if 'method' in self._service and self._service['method'] == "probed": for relk in relevant: if relk in skeys: b += '{0}: {1} '.format(relk, self._service[relk]) for mkey in skeys: if mkey not in notrelevant and mkey not in relevant: b += '{0}: {1} '.format(mkey, self._service[mkey]) return b.rstrip() @property def cpelist(self): """ Accessor for list of CPE for this particular service """ return self._cpelist @property def scripts_results(self): """ Gives a python list of the nse scripts results. The dict key is the name (id) of the nse script and the value is the output of the script. :return: dict """ scripts_dict = None try: scripts_dict = self._service_extras['scripts'] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return scripts_dict @property def servicefp(self): """ Accessor for the service's fingerprint if the nmap option -sV or -A is used :return: string if available """ return self._servicefp @property def tunnel(self): """ Accessor for the service's tunnel type if applicable and available from scan results :return: string if available """ return self._tunnel @property def id(self): """ Accessor for the id() of the NmapService. This is used for diff()ing NmapService object via NmapDiff. :return: tuple """ return "{0}.{1}".format(self.protocol, self.port)
[docs] def get_dict(self): """ Return a python dict representation of the NmapService object. This is used to diff() NmapService objects via NmapDiff. :return: dict """ return ({'id': str(, 'port': str(self.port), 'protocol': self.protocol, 'banner': self.banner, 'service': self.service, 'state': self.state, 'reason': self.reason})
[docs] def diff(self, other): """ Calls NmapDiff to check the difference between self and another NmapService object. Will return a NmapDiff object. This objects return python set() of keys describing the elements which have changed, were added, removed or kept unchanged. :return: NmapDiff object """ return NmapDiff(self, other)