
Using libnmap.diff module

This modules enables the user to diff two NmapObjects: NmapService, NmapHost, NmapReport.

The constructor returns a NmapDiff object which he can then use to call its inherited methods:

  • added()
  • removed()
  • changed()
  • unchanged()

Those methods return a python set() of keys which have been changed/added/removed/unchanged from one object to another. The keys of each objects could be found in the implementation of the get_dict() methods of the compared objects.

The example below is a heavy version of going through all nested objects to see waht has changed after a diff:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from libnmap.parser import NmapParser

rep1 = NmapParser.parse_fromfile('libnmap/test/files/1_hosts.xml')
rep2 = NmapParser.parse_fromfile('libnmap/test/files/1_hosts_diff.xml')

rep1_items_changed = rep1.diff(rep2).changed()
changed_host_id = rep1_items_changed.pop().split('::')[1]

changed_host1 = rep1.get_host_byid(changed_host_id)
changed_host2 = rep2.get_host_byid(changed_host_id)
host1_items_changed = changed_host1.diff(changed_host2).changed()

changed_service_id = host1_items_changed.pop().split('::')[1]
changed_service1 = changed_host1.get_service_byid(changed_service_id)
changed_service2 = changed_host2.get_service_byid(changed_service_id)
service1_items_changed = changed_service1.diff(changed_service2).changed()

for diff_attr in service1_items_changed:
    print "diff({0}, {1}) [{2}:{3}] [{4}:{5}]".format(,
                                                     getattr(changed_service1, diff_attr),
                                                     getattr(changed_service2, diff_attr))

This outputs the following line:

(pydev)$ python /tmp/
diff(tcp.3306, tcp.3306) [state:open] [state:filtered]

Of course, the above code is quite ugly and heavy but the idea behind diff was to be as generic as possible in order to let the user of the lib defines its own algorithms to extract the data.

A less manual and more clever approach would be to recursively retrieve the changed attributes and values of nested objects. Below, you will find a small code example doing it

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from libnmap.parser import NmapParser

def nested_obj(objname):
    rval = None
    splitted = objname.split("::")
    if len(splitted) == 2:
        rval = splitted
    return rval

def print_diff_added(obj1, obj2, added):
    for akey in added:
        nested = nested_obj(akey)
        if nested is not None:
            if nested[0] == 'NmapHost':
                subobj1 = obj1.get_host_byid(nested[1])
            elif nested[0] == 'NmapService':
                subobj1 = obj1.get_service_byid(nested[1])
            print("+ {0}".format(subobj1))
            print("+ {0} {1}: {2}".format(obj1, akey, getattr(obj1, akey)))

def print_diff_removed(obj1, obj2, removed):
    for rkey in removed:
        nested = nested_obj(rkey)
        if nested is not None:
            if nested[0] == 'NmapHost':
                subobj2 = obj2.get_host_byid(nested[1])
            elif nested[0] == 'NmapService':
                subobj2 = obj2.get_service_byid(nested[1])
            print("- {0}".format(subobj2))
            print("- {0} {1}: {2}".format(obj2, rkey, getattr(obj2, rkey)))

def print_diff_changed(obj1, obj2, changes):
    for mkey in changes:
        nested = nested_obj(mkey)
        if nested is not None:
            if nested[0] == 'NmapHost':
                subobj1 = obj1.get_host_byid(nested[1])
                subobj2 = obj2.get_host_byid(nested[1])
            elif nested[0] == 'NmapService':
                subobj1 = obj1.get_service_byid(nested[1])
                subobj2 = obj2.get_service_byid(nested[1])
            print_diff(subobj1, subobj2)
            print("~ {0} {1}: {2} => {3}".format(obj1, mkey,
                                                 getattr(obj2, mkey),
                                                 getattr(obj1, mkey)))

def print_diff(obj1, obj2):
    ndiff = obj1.diff(obj2)

    print_diff_changed(obj1, obj2, ndiff.changed())
    print_diff_added(obj1, obj2, ndiff.added())
    print_diff_removed(obj1, obj2, ndiff.removed())

def main():
    newrep = NmapParser.parse_fromfile('libnmap/test/files/2_hosts_achange.xml')
    oldrep = NmapParser.parse_fromfile('libnmap/test/files/1_hosts.xml')

    print_diff(newrep, oldrep)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This code will output the following:

~ NmapReport: started at 1361737906 hosts up 2/2 hosts_total: 1 => 2
~ NmapReport: started at 1361737906 hosts up 2/2 commandline: nmap -sT -vv -oX 1_hosts.xml localhost => nmap -sS -vv -oX 2_hosts.xml localhost
~ NmapReport: started at 1361737906 hosts up 2/2 hosts_up: 1 => 2
~ NmapService: [closed 25/tcp smtp ()] state: open => closed
+ NmapService: [open 23/tcp telnet ()]
- NmapService: [open 111/tcp rpcbind ()]
~ NmapReport: started at 1361737906 hosts up 2/2 scan_type: connect => syn
~ NmapReport: started at 1361737906 hosts up 2/2 elapsed: 0.14 => 134.36
+ NmapHost: [ ( - up]

Note that, in the above example, lines prefixed with:

  1. ‘~’ means values changed
  2. ‘+ means values were added
  3. ‘-‘ means values were removed

NmapDiff methods

class libnmap.diff.NmapDiff(nmap_obj1, nmap_obj2)[source]

NmapDiff compares two objects of same type to enable the user to check:

  • what has changed
  • what has been added
  • what has been removed
  • what was kept unchanged

NmapDiff inherit from DictDiffer which makes the actual comparaison. The different methods from DictDiffer used by NmapDiff are the following:

  • NmapDiff.changed()
  • NmapDiff.added()
  • NmapDiff.removed()
  • NmapDiff.unchanged()

Each of the returns a python set() of key which have changed in the compared objects. To check the different keys that could be returned, refer to the get_dict() method of the objects you which to compare (i.e: libnmap.objects.NmapHost, NmapService,…).